Kličová slova - archivy: Milan Zarecky photography

Whould you like to have photos of your family that will be cherished for years? Many of my clients, who plan to come for family photorgraphy, ask me for some tips, because they want their pictures to be perfect and in some way it is the client, who influences the final look. I can give you […]


The wedding day has many posibble views and most of the time you cannot describe it even by a thousand words. Those of you, who experienced your own wedding, get back to your memory and tell me, how many moments, details, specific minutes, and emotions of you or your guests can you recall? Those of […]


Jewellery that were photographed  for Sylvie Majerová are really a great masterpiece! As you can see each of the single piece and/or a set of jewellery looks very luxuriously and it just underlines the beauty of our model Alžběta. You can count on the fact that it would highlight your inner and outer beauty as […]


Even though the weather is not very good for photoshooting outside, you can have realy great pictures. How to do it? Taking pictures at my studio. Maybe you are just looking for some inspiration and you do not have very specific idea of the poses, which would suit you the best. You can be sure […]


Last time I said that I am about to prepare several articles with nice pictures that can inspire you before the Christmas come. So as I promised you can enjoy another serie of photos that are can be an absolutely great gift. Once you have a family, the moments you spend together are very special […]