Kličová slova - archivy: Milan Zarecky photography

Some women have a great potential for being photographed in the open air. Some have a brilliant expression while photographed in the studio. Some women are unbeatable while they are photoghraphed for details. Others have gift to make a wonderful photos designated for advertising… Every single woman has her own magic, which has to be […]


According to my experience everyone would love to have some personal breathtaking photos… I often hear excuses as “I am not a photogenic person.”, “I do not have the right body type.”, “I am not good at facial grimaces.” etc. Well this is a big lie to yourself! All you need is to have a […]


You may remember the previous article about engagement in Venice. So you should not be surprised that the lovely couple also have done wedding photoshooting in Venice! Why not? They are in love with Venice atmosphere and the picturesque architecture there. Once you have such great pictures from pre wedding photoshooting it is just a […]


As you know planning your wedding day is very important. And we all know that each wedding is planned to the tinest detail. But what about your engagement day? You may say that it is not a big deal. Your lover proposes you in some original and/or romantic way and that’s it. Do not fool […]