Kličová slova - archivy: ateliér

Photoshooting with Izabela in the atelier was really great experience! She is so natural and great looking model. Morover, Izabela was very open-minded while we talk about taking poses and changing a look in her face. But you know what is the most important thing while photoshooting a portrait? It’s the ability of the photographer […]


From time to time people ask me if I know some beautifull, unusual and original jewelry, which would be a great supplement to their special occasion and/or just for a joy. Of course that I have some contacts since I do this job for several years. That’s why you can see this stunning jewelry that […]


Children are absolutely amazing not only for their immediate reactions, unaffected poses, breathtaking smiles and photogenic faces. The angel like faces are truly fabulous and it is a must have to keep this moments of life. You know they grow up too fast! Děti jsou naprosto úžasné pro jejich bezprostřední reakce, nestrojené pózy, odzbrojující úsměvy […]


Dnes publikuji fotografie krásného a zamilovaného páru.  Ani jeden z nás jsme dopředu netušili, že vzniknou tak krásné fotografie. Věřím, že na fotografiích se podařilo zachytit lásku, jejich city a zamilovanost jeden k druhému. Speciální dík patří Petrovi, který byl pořádně nemocný a pro dvouhodinnové focení se obětoval. Je samozřejmě skvělé, že to na fotografiích […]