Non-traditional wedding -Tracy & Stephen | Netradiční svatba – Tracy & Stephen

About a month ago I published a little Sneak Peek about the wedding of Tracy and Stephen. This wonderful couple from Hong Kong planned their pre-wedding and also wedding route in non-traditional way. They love Europe and so they have decided to have their engagement photoshooting in London. Moreover they have experienced their pre-wedding photoshooting at three different places. What is more the place for the wedding of their dreams was in Prague. Prague is a magical place for Tracy and Stephen as they say. They are stunned by the historical buildings and so many red roofs. So it was a honor for me to be their wedding photographer! And what their wedding day looked like?
They planned two wedding ceremonies there. One at the Old Town Hall and right after this one there was another one at the St. Nicholas Church. The photoshooting was all day long. We started at 9 am and did not finished it before 4 pm. What is more we have done some night photoshooting too. Tracy and Stephen did not have any special demands. They said that is all in my hands and they trust to what I do and the way I do it. This made me a little bit nervous once in a while. But it was a great cooperation. I have to say that I admire how persistend and humble they are. On top of it they have a huge respect for each other and for people around them.

Je to přibližně měsíc zpět, kdy jsem zde publikoval tzv. Sneak Peek o svatbě Tracy a Stephena. Tento úžasný pár z Hong Kongu pojal své předsvatební, ale i svatební putování opravdu netradičně. Milují Evropu, a tak se rozhodli, že zásnuby stráví v Londýně, předsvatební focení měli na dalších třech místech mimo Evropu, ale svatbu chtěli mít v Praze. Praha má pro Tracy s Stephena obrovské kouzlo a přitahuje svou magickou silou, jak říkají. Jsou uneseni z těch historických budov a červených střech. Bylo mi tedy velikou ctí, že si pro svůj svatební den vybrali právě mě! A jak to probíhalo?
Pro svůj svatební den si vybrali hned dva obřady. Jeden na Staroměstské radnici a druhý hned poté v kostele sv. Mikuláše. Focení probíhalo od 9 hod. až do 16 hod. Samozřejmě ale nesmělo chybět ani večerní focení. Neměli na mě žádné zvláštní požadavky. Celé to nechali čistě na mě, až jsem z toho byl chvilkami i trošku nervózní. Ale naprosto věřili v to, co dělám a jak a byla to opravdu úžasná spolupráce. Musím říci, že jsou neskutečně houževnatí a pokorní. Navíc mají velkou úctu jeden k druhému, ale i k lidem okolo.



The big day is here and so the preparation for the ceremony. Every detail is important.

It’s time to go and say “I do”.

Even though there were no wedding guests, the wedding itself had wonderful atmosphere thanks to the chosen places.

The happy newlyweds.

This one of the reasons why Tracy & Stephen love Prague… historical buildings and its magical atmosphere.

Wish them their united journey shall never fall apart.

Which route to choose?

This view is something that Tracy & Stephen really love and a reason why they chose Prague for their wedding.

They love each other, they support each other, and last but not least they have a huge respect for each other.

The day is almost gone but their new roles in their common life have just begun.


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