Family: No more waiting, baby is here

The autumn is here, children are back at school and the countdown till Christmas time has already started. If you are not sure what to give your relatives as a present, you can be inspired by these pictures. Or you can find new inspiration during the upcoming several weeks – I am going to present you some more photoshootings from which the photos are always a great idea for a wonderfull gift. Todays photos may remind you of one couple that I photoshooted while they were waiting for their baby. Now you can see the pictures of their little baby boy. Don’t be suprised, the little baby boy is not so little anymore. Time flies and Románek is quite a nice young little gentleman. Just take a look and decide by yourself.

Máme tu podzim, děti jsou zpátky ve škole and co si budeme nalhávat, odpočítávání dní do Vánoc zase začalo. Pokud už si teď lámete hlavu s tím, co dát letost příbuzným pod stromeček, můžete se inspirovat právě zde. Nebo se můžete inspirovat během nadcházejících týdnů – rozhodl jsem se ukázat vám co nejvíce možností fotografování, ze kterých jsou fotečky vždy krásným dárkem. Dnes můžete obdivovat fotografie miminka, jehož rodiče jsem fotil v době, kdy Petra byla těhotná. Nenechte se mýlit, z malého miminka je dnes už zase o dost větší mladý malý gentleman. Však uvidíte sami.

First professional photoshooting of his life.

Románek and his lovely mom. 

The cutest little angel. His name is Roman.

The little finger are just adorable!

Nothing can beat the feeling of being a parent.

As I said… he is not a little baby anymore!

Our little ones grow up too fast…

… so  make sure you have nice pictures of them to remember those precious moments.

What does he think about his Teddy?

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